Step 1 - Selecting Products
- browse the category list or use the search bar to find the desired product,
- each product comes with detailed information about it,
- remember that registered customers can save products in their wishlist,
- once you find a product of interest, add it to the cart,
- if you have completed your order, proceed to the cart.
Step 2 - Cart Contents
- in the cart, you will see exactly which products you have selected and in what quantity,
- change the quantity value and click "recalculate" to adjust your order,
- clicking on the minus icon will remove products from the cart,
- choose your preferred delivery and payment method,
- if you have a discount coupon, enter it below to get a discount,
- confirm the selected options by clicking on the "order now" button.
Step 3 - Placing an Order
- if you have an account, enter your login details and click "log in",
- if you do not have an account, choose the "register" option or skip creating an account by clicking "place an order"; remember that registration allows you to enjoy many benefits, including:
- viewing order status and purchase history,
- no need to re-enter your details for future purchases,
- receiving individual discounts and promotional coupons.
- enter your name and contact details,
- to send the order to a different address, select "different shipping address" and provide the necessary details,
- enter any additional information about the order in the "notes" field,
- after clicking "Summary", you will see all the information you provided,
- clicking the "Place Order" button confirms the purchase,
- receive an email and click the link to confirm the order.
Remember that registered customers can track the status of their orders in their account.